Letter P
Packages beginning with letter "P".
- pakchois - A wrapper library for PKCS#11
- pycairo - Python bindings for the cairo library
- pygobject2 - Python bindings for GObject
- pygtk2 - Python bindings for GTK+
- pygtk2-libglade - A wrapper for the libglade library for use with PyGTK
- pyorbit - Python bindings for ORBit2.
- pyparted - Python module for GNU parted
- python-cryptsetup - Python bindings for cryptsetup
- python-decorator - Module to simplify usage of decorators
- python-deltarpm - Python bindings for deltarpm
- python-ethtool - Ethernet settings python bindings
- python-imaging - Python's own image processing library
- python-meh - A python library for handling exceptions
- python-pyblock - Python modules for dealing with block devices
- python-slip - Miscellaneous convenience, extension and workaround code for Python
- python-volume_key - Python bindings for libvolume_key