# Hostname : Must contain only letters, numbers, and hyphens, and must # start with a letter or number. # Wildcards (* and ?) can only be used to delete hosts! # Domainname : Must be an existing (virtual) domainname. If omitted, the # domainname of the server is used. # Location : Location of the server. Must be one of the follwing: # 'Local' (on the LAN) # 'Remote' (on the Internet) # 'Self' (alias for the SME server) # Visibility : 'Local' (only visible on the LAN) # 'Global' (visible on the entire Internet). # LocalIP : Internal IP number # GlobalIP : Public IP number # MacAddress : The ethernet address is optional and causes the DHCP server # to statically bind the local IP address to the computer with # this ethernet address. # # @ Mandatory field # #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, # Hostname@ |Domainname |Location |Visibility | LocalIP |GlobalIP |MacAddress | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' dumbledore |hogwarts.net |Self hagrid |azkaban.org |Local |Local | | |12:34:56:78:90:AB quaffle |quiddich.net |Remote |Global | | seeker |harry.com.uk dobby delete_me* delet?_me2