Give your comments on How to enable hdparm to enable high speed dma access here. Thanks in advance!

Is this needed on 6.x? My machines appear to have dma on by default.

I am finding that DMA isn't on, on the Asrock Mb I am currently using with 6.0.1.

Also the "hdparm" key does not appear to exist in the db.

what type should I create it as?

Mine are on by default as well, on a new install: /dev/hda:

using_dma = 1 (on)
[root@rocinante root]# hdparm -d /dev/hdc


using_dma = 1 (on)
[root@rocinante root]# hdparm -h

hdparm - get/set hard disk parameters - version v4.6

Usage: hdparm [options] [device] ..



-a (too many options to list...)

looks like a regular xNIX utility

[root@rocinante root]# updatedb
[root@rocinante root]# locate hdparm

If for some reason it isn't there, freshmeat and have links to it.